Medical Malpractice and Birth Injuries

December 5, 2010

Deciding to bring a child into this world is one of the biggest decisions a person can make. Soon-to-be parents will do everything in their power to ensure their child’s health and well-being. Unfortunately, negligent doctors can compromise a baby’s health by administering inadequate prenatal care. If you or your child has suffered because of a negligent doctor or nurse, they may be liable for your losses.

Causes for Birth Injury

Birth injuries may occur for a variety of reasons. In some cases, natural causes may result in a difficult delivery and subsequent birth injury; however, in other cases, a doctor’s negligence may be to blame. Common factors that contribute are to birth injuries include:

• Large baby (over 9 pounds)

• Breeched delivery- Where the baby is positioned feet first during delivery

• Improper use of delivery tools, such as forceps or vacuum

• Premature delivery- Delivery before the 37th week of pregnancy

• Inadequate pre-natal care

Common Birth Injuries

While many injuries can be avoided with proper pre-natal care, some occur precisely at the moment of birth, including:

• Cerebral Palsy-Caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, cerebral palsy is a form of brain damage that inhibits a child from having control of their muscles. This is a life-long condition.

• Erb’s Palsy-Nerve damage that generally affects a baby’s shoulders and arms. This condition is caused by the child’s shoulders getting caught on their mother’s pelvic bones during delivery. While this is not always a lifelong condition, it can require extensive surgery to correct the problem.

• Facial paralysis

• Bruising

• Fractures

While some birth injuries can resolve themselves in a few weeks, if damage is severe, there may be life-long consequences. If your child has suffered because of a negligent doctor, you should not have to bear the consequences alone.


With the help of n experienced medical malpractice attorney, you may be eligible to receive recompense for your losses. Birth injuries that are caused by doctor negligence are frequently awarded compensation for the following losses:

• Medical expenses

• Pain and suffering

• Lost wages

• Wrongful death

Contact Us

If you would like to know learn more about birth injuries and how to file a medical malpractice claim, visit the website of the Austin birth injury attorney Vic Feazell, P.C. today.

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DUE DATE Part 1 of 12

November 28, 2010

Watch due date on ENJOY! Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr.) is a highly-strung architect who is flying home to Los Angeles for the birth of his first child. Due to some Apatow-esque farcical events (which all seem to stem from child-like aspiring actor, Ethan Tremblay (Zack Galifianakis)), Peter ends up being shot by an air marshal and put on a “no-fly” list. As luck would have it, fortune comes in the form of Tremblay, who offers Peter a lift to LA, as Ethan himself is travelling to Hollywood to try his luck at becoming a “real actor”. Straight away the two men’s diametrically opposed personalities clash, and we find out that Ethan has a second motive for his travels – to spread his recently deceased father’s ashes. It is clear instantly that Highman has not a lot of time for Tremblay, and this is not helped by the fact that Ethan decides to make a pitstop at the house of the nearest pot dealer. (whom Tremblay “found on craigslist – she’s very legitimate”). The situation only gets worse from here, when the pair discover that they have $60 left, and to add insult to injury, Ethan spent $200 on weed. Peter decides to have money wired through to Ethan’s account (Highman’s wallet, along with the rest of his luggage, were left on the plane), however when they set up the transaction, Ethan uses his stage name (Tremblay), but only has ID to show his real surname, Chase. When the obnoxious cashier (Danny McBride), who just happens to be a “handi-capable”, wheel

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Pain Pregnancy Birth Baby Chiropractic Miami Florida

September 30, 2010

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Bowlegs – Medical Treatment and Alternative Medicines

September 23, 2010

At birth, all babies are somewhat bow legged because, within the cramped space in the uterus, the legs are likely to fold over each other. This condition is referred to as genu varum in medical parlance. (In Latin, genu means knees and varum means inwardly curved.) In the simplest terms, legs are defined as bowed if, when the ankles touch each other, the unbent knees do not. In practically all cases, mildly bowed legs correct themselves, even if the condition persists until the child is three years old. When only one leg is bowed, however, the cause may be a turning in of the leg bone resulting from a birth injury or an inherited degenerative disease of the knee.

Diagnostic Studies And Procedures

A pediatrician normally checks a baby’s legs during routine examinations. If the bowing is less than 20 degrees, chances are that the problem will correct itself. However, a bowing of more 20 degrees after the age of 18 months, or one that is progressing or causing pain when walking, should be investigated by a pediatric orthopedist. Mildly bowed legs that fail to straighten out spontaneously by the time the child is four years old also warrant an evaluation by an orthopedist. In arriving at a diagnosis, the doctor will ask about family medical history, nutrition, and any birth injuries. An X-ray may show bone deformities or injuries. If there is a family history of bowlegs and knock knees, a genetic disorder is likely. Other possibilities include Blount’s disease, or tibial osteochondrosis, in which the shin bone curves inward because the growth plate ceases to function normally. This abnormality may develop in children who walk early, or who are very short or obese. It may appear also during the adolescent growth spurt. Bowlegs may indicate rickets, a disease caused by vitamin D deficiency due either to an inadequate amount in the diet, a lack of exposure to sunlight, or a genetic inability to absorb the vitamin. Without sufficient vitamin D, the body cannot utilize calcium, and the result is soft and deformed bones. Nutritional rickets is very rare in the United States, thanks to fortified milk and other basic foods that are enriched with vitamin D. Laboratory tests can detect the genetic form.

Medical Treatments

If the bowing is severe or worsening, braces and surgery are the first options to be considered. Correction should be undertaken as early as possible, first with braces, and if this treatment shows no positive results, with surgery to correct the faulty knee structure . Blount’s disease usually requires surgery to rotate the shin bone to its proper position. Otherwise the condition may eventually result in disabling problems of the knee joints. Nutritional rickets is treated with large doses of vitamin D. The treatment of rickets that is caused by a genetic metabolic defect will vary depending on the nature of the disorder.

Alternative Therapies

Responsible practitioners of acupuncture, chiropractic, and most other alternative therapies would not undertake the basic treatment of bowlegs. Some alternative therapies, however, may improve the under lying causes.

Light Therapy

Exposure to sunlight or an ultraviolet lamp stimulates the skin’s production of vitamin D. Be careful when exposing a baby to the sun, however, because of the danger of sunburn. A few minutes in the early morning or late afternoon two or three times a week is all that is usually needed.

Massage Therapies

Massage, using gentle manipulative exercises by a practitioner trained in pediatric care, may be helpful. Physical therapists on the staffs of orthopedic clinics are also knowledgeable about these techniques, and can show you how to exercise the child’s legs yourself.

Nutrition Therapy

If a physician has determined that a dietary deficiency or a metabolic abnormality is the cause of bowlegs, she may suggest that a nutrition therapist be consulted to prescribe the appropriate amounts of such supplements as calcium and vitamin D. Careful monitoring is necessary when giving a young child supplements of these nutrients because they are stored in the body and excessive amounts can result in severe liver damage, metabolic abnormalities, and kidney disorders.

Self Treatment

When a baby appears to be bowlegged, parents should not encourage early walking, which can exacerbate the problem. They should also avoid bulky diapers, which can push the development of bowlegs, especially when a baby starts standing and attempting to walk. If your baby is overweight, consult a pediatrician about a change in diet.

Other Causes of Bowlegs

In rare cases, an inherited metabolic disorder called neurofibromatosis may produce leg bowing and other neuromuscular abnormalities. Sometimes bowing occurs as a result of a fracture in the growth plate, or metaphyses, the part of a long bone that abuts the cartilage and covers the end of the bone. This condition usually corrects itself as the bone heals.

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August 27, 2010

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Injury at Birth (Causes, the Law, and You)

August 9, 2010

Let’s start off with some good news – injury at birth is much less prevalent than it used to be. Prenatal analysis and technology is making great strides in properly preparing doctors for what may occur during the birthing process. Furthermore, the techniques for safe delivery both for parents and medical staff are becoming more practiced and perfected.

Even though the sheer amount of births that take place make it seem like a routine operation, the birthing event is a very unique process for every woman. Medical practitioners need to be in top form and prepared for all kinds of contingencies. Injury at birth is still a very real problem, and parents are advised to understand the common types of injury and their legal rights should a problem occur.

Let’s analyze the most common types and results of birth injury. Information is key for prevention, proper action, and appropriate reaction to any unfortunate event.

Types Of Birth Injury

  • Brachial Plexus Damage. A weakness or paralysis in the arms and shoulders caused by excessive stretching or pulling. Most of these injuries heal fully within 6 months, but those that do not often require extra surgery to fix nerve damage.
  • Cranial Bleeding. Caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. This is much more common in very premature babies. Deformity or damage to the skull during birth is a common cause of cranial bleeding and can result in a loss of oxygen to the brain, resulting in further brain damage.
  • Bone Fracture. Fractures anywhere on the body can occur when the infant is either mishandled or is experiencing complications in the birthing process. Some complications include larger-than-normal size or an abnormal birthing position.
  • Facial Nerve Injury. Often the face comes in contact with either the mother’s pelvis and/or forceps used by the doctor. On occasion this contact can result in a damage of nerve tissue, made apparent by uneven facial movements (especially during crying).
  • Perinatal Asphyxia. Asphyxia generally refers to a lack of oxygen, and in this particular instance a lack of oxygen that occurs while birthing takes place. It can be caused by genetic abnormalities that cause weakness, infection, negative reaction to drugs, or pressure on the umbilical cord. Asphyxia Newborns often have trouble breathing and appear pale and weak.
  • Skin Lacerations. Depending on the force needed to deliver the baby, skin contusions and lacerations can occur. This can come from doctor’s equipment or contact with the mother’s pelvis/other internal body parts.
  • Cerebral Palsy. Caused by trauma to the brain during the childbirth procedure. Cerebral Palsy often includes a loss of movement and nerve functions. Generally Palsy will not get better or worse over time – the damage is set during the time of birth. Some common causes of Palsy include improper forcep usage and leaving the baby in the birth canal for too long.

Causes of Birth Injury

The above injuries, and other rarer problems occur for a variety of reasons, some of which cannot be helped by medical professionals.

First, genetics and predispositions play a huge role in complications. It’s important to be aware of any medical issues that frequently (or even infrequently) occur in your family.

Another cause is bad parental decision making. If parents opt to use drugs and alcohol during pregnancy (among other bad habits), they put their child at risk before the birthing process even begins.

Baby position, size, time of birth (being early, late) and other variables are important when figuring out how to handle childbirth. These things are among the most common complications that occur.

Finally, medical error can result in injury at birth. Misuse of technology, drugs, equipment, or technique can result in almost all of the injuries listed above.

Legal Rights For Parents

If you believe your infant may have been injured due to negligence or incompetence, it is important to begin your legal process as soon as possible. States have varying statutes wherein you only have a certain amount of time to sue for compensation.

As you begin the process, make sure to find a lawyer in your area who specializes in child birth injury. Medical complications are quite complex and you will want someone with plenty of experience and knowledge in how to deal with the behemoth medical industry.

Bill Hayes is owner of The Hayes Firm, a specialized personal injury attorney network designed to find the best lawyer for each individual client. Every incident is unique, and it’s important to have someone with many years of experience and an extensive network to help you find the right kind of attorney. Birth Injury are one of Bill’s specialties and he will be able to properly guide you through the legal process and get you the help you need. Visit today and receive a free legal consultation!

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August 4, 2010

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Cerebral Palsy and Its Causes

July 26, 2010

Cerebral Palsy is a term given to a condition that results from a brain injury; or an abnormality that might have occurred during the foetal development, or at the time of birth. At times, this might occur within the initial months of the life of the infant or immediately after birth.

Even though medical science has advanced to a very high level, doctors have yet not fully understood the causes of early brain damage. However, some of the identified causes of cerebral palsy are listed below:

The maternal infections tend to increase the risks of cerebral palsy to a great extent and this may also include the urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney infections, and rubella, sepsis i.e. an infection of the blood stream, uterus infection and toxoplasmosis. It is believed that all maternal infections can be prevented and dealt with, so as to avoid the occurrence of cerebral palsy. Hence, all pregnant women are advised to seek medical treatment from their gynaecologist to avoid such risks.

Prenatal or neonatal infections too have the potential to augment the risk of cerebral-palsy. These are inclusive of bacterial meningitis, viral encephalitis, Group B streptococcal infection, Herpes Group B and sepsis. The direct affect of these infections have not been verified yet, but these prenatal infections may result in preterm birth which poses a risk of developing cerebral-palsy. These infections may also result in brain damage; RH incompatibility and jaundice may also add to the causes of cerebral-palsy.

Premature birth and low birth weight increase the risks of cerebral-palsy to a great extent. Babies who are born before the expected time are highly vulnerable and it is more likely that they suffer through various health complications. Stress, infections, preterm labour and multiple births; smoking and alcohol usage; and uterine infections may also contribute to the occurrence of cerebral-palsy.

Cerebral palsy may also occur due to the failure of the medical staff in preventing a birth injury. This includes the misdiagnosis and maltreatment of maternal infections; the failure of recognition of foetal distress; not being able to perform a C-section in an organized and timely manner; not treating jaundice and not ensuring sufficient oxygen supply. It also includes the failure of proper use of medical equipments like forceps.

Medical malpractice can be highly devastating as it might be a probable cause of cerebral palsy; therefore, it is advised to file a lawsuit, so as to be able to acquire compensation for the treatment costs and other losses as well.

Lastly, if you had a complicated labour and your newborn infant is found to be suffering from cerebral palsy, you are suggested to file for compensation of medical malpractice as the financial help would make the alleged doctor realize the extent of his/her negligence and in the future, he/she should be diligent while performing his/her duty of care. It would also give you an instinctive satisfaction by making the responsible person suffer for the suffering, pain and loss that you and your child have gone through.

Cerebral palsy
Find more about Cerebral palsy here.

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Birth Injuries and Medical Malpractice

July 19, 2010

When a couple is expecting a child, there are many considerations that must be taken into account. They spend time planning, decorating, and buying items for the new baby. Pregnancy requires classes, doctor’s visits, and preparation before the birth. Unfortunately, even the most prepared parents-to-be may discover complications during childbirth. Even more tragic is the fact that complications may be caused by mistakes made by medical professionals in the delivery room.

The risks to both mother and baby can be very high during childbirth. Studies show that nearly 9.5% of medical malpractice suits involve misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose problems involving childbirth. Victims often feel that the complications that arise during the birthing process could have been avoided if the issue had been identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Common Childbirth Injuries

Although there are countless issues that can arise during childbirth, some common complications include:

o Death of the fetus

o Physical injury to the child (including broken bones, bruising, internal bleeding)

o Stillbirth

o Maternal death

o Brain injury

o Cerebral palsy

o Paralysis

o Maternal infection

These injuries can cause severe pain and suffering and may have lifelong effects on the mother and baby. Medical professionals should practice the utmost care when dealing with any procedures, and especially so in the case of childbirth.

Some common cases of medical malpractice during childbirth include incidents where the physicians failed to notice metabolic disorders, blood issues, and complications involving diabetes. Other issues have included failure to monitor babies after childbirth, improper evaluation during pregnancy, and physicians arriving too late to help with childbirth.

Most individuals plan and prepare for a childbirth that follows normal procedure and expectations. Unfortunately, complications have been known to arise, and the issues may have serious effects on the family and patients.

The medical staff is responsible for conducting proper evaluations and tests during the pregnancy. During childbirth, they should be prepared to execute the delivery, properly handle the child during birth, and make sure both mother and child are healthy during the process. After the birth, they are responsible for handling the child, monitoring its health, and responsibly addressing any issues that may arise.

For more information on medical malpractice involving childbirth, visit the website of the Philadelphia birth injury lawyers of the Law Offices of Lowenthal & Abrams.

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